
Minggu, 26 Juni 2011


Anda tidak perlu tampan maupun cantik apalagi seksi untuk bisa bercerita, maka berceritalah...
     Seorang Dokter jangan cuma pandai mendiagnosa (left brain), Seorang Safety Officer jangan cuma pandai mengidentifikasi memberi pengarahan dan training (left brain).Tak terelakkan lagi, mereka juga harus pintar bercerita (right brain). Apalagi kalau diselingi dengan gurauan atau kelakar, muantap.!!
     Akan tetapi jangan salah kaprah dan salah arah.!! Right brain saja tanpa Left brain, Bullshit.!!
Seorang Dokter yang pintar bercerita namun gagal mendiagnosa seorang pasien bisa - bisa malah kena pasal mal praktel heheehee, Seorang Safety Officer yang pintar bercerita dan berkelakar namun gagal mengelola manajemen Health, Safety and Environmental bisa - bisa selesai proyek di rumah kan alias di pecat hahahaaa, ampuuun.!!
     Jadi apapun profesi anda musti membiasakan diri dengan bercerita dan gurauan, pokoknya yang kanan lah yang kaya (right brain).
Seorang ayah yang dulunya seorang pemasar ulung, risau melihat putranya yang belum menikah. Maka sang ayah pun membuat sebuah skenario.
"Nak, Papah akan menjodohkan kamu dengan seorang gadis pilihan papah", kata sang ayah to the point.
"Tapi aku belum mau menikah Pah", sang anak menolak.
"Sudahlah percaya saja sama Papah, gadis ini bukan gadis sembarangan. Dia salah satu putrinya Bill Gates".
Mendengar itu, si anak langsung terperanjat dan dengan nada pelan hmm... kalau begitu sih, saya mau Pah.!
Kemudian sang ayah pergi menemui Bill Gates.
"Bill, saya mau menjodohkan putri anda dengan putra saya".
"Tapi putri saya belum mau menikah", tolak Bill Gates.
"Sudahlah percaya saja sama saya", Pria yang satu ini bukan pria sembarangan, dia adalah Vice Precident World Bank.
Mendengar itu, Bill Gates langsung terperanjat dan dengan nada pelan hmm... kalau begitu sih, saya dan putri saya bersedia.
Lalu sang ayah menemui Presiden World Bank.
"Pak saya akan menempatkan putra saya sebagai wakil bapak di World Bank", kata sang ayah to the point.
"Tapi saya tidak membutuhkan wakil di World Bank", tolak presiden World Bank.
"Sudahlah percaya sama saya", Pria yang satu ini bukan pria sembarangan, dia adalah menantu Bill Gates.
Mendengar itu, presiden World Bank terperanjat dan dengan nada pelan hmm... kalau begitu sih saya terima.
Hahahahaa ada - ada saja... tentunya cerita ini adalah fiktif belaka dan cenderung memanipulasi isi cerita heheheee...
Tapi satu hal yang pasti, dengan sederet cerita anda bisa menggeber closing di sana - sini. And surely everything's gonna be alright...!!!

Sabtu, 25 Juni 2011

Bermain dengan Raja Namrud

     By the way, masih ingatkah kisah Raja Namrud yang zalim di Kerajaan Babylon.?
Suatu ketika, dengan sebuah kapak, Nabi Ibrahim meluluhlantakkan berhala - berhala di kotanya. Hanya satu berhala yang beliau sisakan, yaitu berhala yang paling besar, lalu kapak itu beliau gantungka di leher berhala yang paling besar. Singkat cerita, beberapa waktu kemudian beliau dipanggil dan diadili oleh raja Namrud perihal perbuatannya tersebut.
     "Wahai Ibrahim, apakah engkau yang telah menghancurkan tuhan - tuhan kami.? tanya Raja Namrud menyudutkan beliau.!!
     Dengan tenangnya Nabi Ibrahim menjawab, "Sepertinya, berhala besar yang berkalung kapak itulah yang telah melakukannya. Cobalah engkau tanya dia.!!
     Raja Namrud berujar, "Hai Ibrahim, engkau kan tau bahwa berhala itu tidak bisa mendengar dan berbicara", lantas mengapa engkau memintaku bertanya kepadanya.?? 
     Jawab Nabi Ibrahim jika demikian mengapa engkau sembah - sembah berhala - berhala itu, yang tidak dapat mendengar, tidak dapat berbicara, tidak dapat memberi manfaat, dan lebih parahnya tidak dapat menolong dirinya sendiri.!!! Mengapa tidak engkau sembah Tuhan yang menciptakan engkau dan alam semesta ini.!!! Raja Namrud termenung sejenak ( bener juga tuh kata Ibrahim ).

     Ada pesan yang tersirat buat kita semua, bahwa Nabi pun menggunakan gurauan dan permaian dalam menjalankan misi kenabiannya. Jadi gurauan dan permainan bukanlah hal yang tabu seperti prasangka kebanyakan orang (dibaca bukan orang dominan kanan). Lets make better.!!!


Alkisah dineraka ada 3 orang pria yang masuk bersamaan ;

Malaikat ; Hai pria berdasi, kamu kok sampai disini mana masih pake dasi pula.?
Pria 1 ; Begini ceritanya om, pas waktu dikantor kepala saya pusing sekali, makanya saya buru - buru balik ke apartemen saya. Ehh sesampainya di apartemen, saya mendapati istri saya sedang telanjang bulat di ranjang dan tampak lelah dan berkeringat ( ndak usah anda bayangkan hehehee ) pasti abis nyeleweng kataku, trus saya cari pria yang sudah menyetubuhi istri saya ( ndak usah dibayangkan prosesnya heheee ) dan ternyata di balkon ada seorang pria dengan celana pendek bergantungan, langsung aja pria itu saya pukuli sampai akhirnya saya sambar lemari di balkon trus saya lempar ke pria tadi, sayangnya baju saya kecantol paku yang ada di lemari, dan saya ikut terjun ke bawah dan sekarang saya ada di sini.
Malaikat ; Hmm.... kamu memang sial, trus kamu yang bercelana pendek, kenapa kamu sampai di sini.?
Pria 2 ; Gak tau om, tadi saya sedang olah raga pull up di balkon apartemen saya, trus saya kepeleset, untung saya masih bisa meraih balkon tetangga di bawah. ehh.. tau - tau ada seorang pria memukuli saya, bahkan saya dilempar ama lemari, akhirnya saya jatuh dan sekarang saya ada di sini.
Malaikat ; Hmm.... kamu lebih sial lagi yak, trus coba kamu yang telanjang bulat, kenapa kamu sampai di sini.?
Pria 3 ; Saya juga gak tau om,. beneran!..., tadi saya itu barusan selesai serong ama istri orang, ehh... gak taunya suaminya balik cepet, trus saya ngacir sembunyi di lemari balkon, lhahh kok tau - tau saya ada di sini.

Hahahaaaa ada - ada saja,... Tentu saja cerita ini hanyalah fiktif belaka..!!!!
Meracik dan menyantap gurauan ( humor ), itulah keistimewaan dari otak kanan. Hebatnya lagi, sewaktu anda tertawa karena sebuah gurauan, maka pada waktu yang sama anda sedang mengasah otak kanan anda. Kok bisa.? Soalnya saat anda tertawa otak kiri anda tidak bisa berpikir. Artinya pada saat itu otak kanan anda ( bagian otak yang mempunyai potensi tanpa batas ), leluasa melahap gurauan demi gurauan. Dengan demikian anda menjadi orang kanan, yah walaupun hanya sesaat.

Thanks God, Bersyukurlah kepada Allah SWT, lhahh apa hubungannya,? Hubungannya baik - baik saja. Kita patut bersyukur karena Dia-lah yang telah mendesain manusia sedemikian rupa, sehingga tertawa itu menular bahkan menular lebih cepat dari menguap. Ini ilmiahmanfaatnya tertawa bisa menjalar dengan cepat.

" Berpikirlah secara Global dan tertawalah secara Lokal ", Sudahlah jangan malu - malu. Temani saya tertawa toh tertawa itu gratis, dan sayapun tertawa tidak menertawakan anda, heheheeee.!!!
Whether you are feeling better now.?

Selasa, 21 Juni 2011

Cartoon Safety in Construction Projects

5 Sure Fire Ways to Motivate Yourself

A Guest Post by
Farouk Radwan
We all have goals and tasks that we want to accomplish but unfortunately we don’t always find ourselves motivated to do our tasks or to pursue our goals.
One of the big differences between successful people and those who didn’t succeed yet is the ability of the first group to motivate themselves to work on their goals.
Certainly we all want to be successful and that’s why I decided to write this post to tell you about 5 surefire ways that can help you motivate yourself.
1) Know exactly what you don’t want: Sometimes knowing exactly what you don’t want can motivate you more than knowing what you want. Wanting to be rich will certainly motivate you but not wanting to be poor, miserable, broken, sad or helpless can sometimes motivate you more.
Visualize the worst scenarios that can happen If you didn’t work on your goals can give you a strong motivational boost.
2) Combine both positive and negative motivation: In order not to fall in the trap of negative thinking you must use both positive and negative motivation techniques. Just like you should remind yourself of the negative consequences you should use visualization and images to remind yourself of the amazing feelings you will get when you succeed.
For example if you want to get rich you can hang on the wall above your computer a picture of your dream house or dream car. Each time you will look at them you will get motivated.
3) Don’t wait for the right mood or the right time: Lots of people mistakenly believe that people who are highly motivated always feel good while pursing their goals while the truth is that those who are self motivated have learned how to work even if they feel really bad.
Its not about waiting for a good mood to start but its about learning how to start even if there is no good mood.
4) Use motivational media: No one can underestimate the effect of suggestions we receive from songs, movies, pictures ..etc. If you are getting these suggestions anyways then why not make some of them positive by filtering out the negative media you get subjected to and increasing the positive media you encounter?
5) Lack of knowledge results in lack of motivation: Why would a person who want to do something badly never become motivated to do it? For example I know many people who would die to lose weight but in the same time never try to do it. The reason some people lack motivation is that they don’t know what to do in order to solve their problems, had those people educated themselves about possible solutions they will become motivated to pursue their goals

Thanks, Farouk for the motivation on a Tuesday morning!

Senin, 20 Juni 2011

Progress Reporting

By Duncan Haughey, PMP
Business analyst holding out a requirements document
Progress reporting is a key activity of project management. The project manager should issue reports to stakeholders regularly. Include these people on the circulation list:
  • Project Sponsor
  • Budget Holder
  • Senior Users
  • Team Members
Keep the report brief and sum up the key points in the project. I recommend this simple format on a maximum of 1 to 2 pages:
  1. Report Date.
  2. Overall Status.
  3. Project Summary.
  4. Key Issues.
  5. Identified Risks.
  6. Tasks and Next Steps.
  7. Decisions Needed.
  8. Key Future Dates.
  9. Budgeted Cost.
  10. Spend to Date.
Keeping people updated ensures they remain involved and committed. Regular communication is essential to the well-being of any project. Common failings in this area are:
  • Poor communication channels
  • Lack of honest communication
  • Unwillingness to communicate bad news
  • Not asking for help when it's needed.
Regular progress reporting creates a valuable written record of the projects' life. Later you can look back and decide how to improve running of future projects.

An Introduction to Microsoft Project

By Duncan Haughey, PMP
Microsoft Office LogoMicrosoft Project is the world's most popular project management software developed and sold by Microsoft.The application is designed to assist project managers in developing plans, assigning resources to tasks, tracking progress, managing budgets and analysing workloads.
Microsoft Project creates critical path schedules, although a critical chain third-party add-ons is available from ProChain and Spherical Angle. Schedules can be resource levelled. The chain is visualised in a Gantt chart.
Resource definitions (people, equipment and materials) can be shared between projects using a shared resource pool. Each resource can have its own calendar which defines what days and shifts a resource is available. Resource rates are used to calculate resource assignment costs which are rolled up and summarised the resource level.
Each resource can be assigned to multiple tasks in multiple plans and each task can be assigned multiple resources. Microsoft Project schedules task work based on the resource availability as defined in the resource calendars. All resources can be defined in an enterprise resource pool.
Microsoft Project creates budgets based on assignment work and resource rates. As resources are assigned to tasks and assignment work estimated, Microsoft Project calculates the cost equals the work times the rate. This rolls up to the task level, then to any summary tasks and finally to the project level.
Microsoft Project has been extended with Microsoft Office Project Server and Microsoft Project Web Access. Project server stores Project data in a central database.
Project Web Access allows user to display and update this data over the Internet. Web Access allows authorised users to access a Project Server database across the Internet. Web Access includes timesheets, graphical analysis of resource workloads and administrative tools.
Microsoft recognises different classes of users. These different classes of users can have differing access levels to projects, views and other data.
Custom objects such as calendars, views, tables, filters and fields are stored in an enterprise global database, which is shared by all users.
For people who only need to view plans, commercial third party viewers exist, a less costly option than a full licence. A complete list of free and commercial viewers is available at External Link A free viewer is available from Afinion External Link


By Duncan Haughey, PMP
Blackboard with SMART Goals listedOnce you have planned your project, turn your attention to developing several goals that will enable you to be successful. Goals should be SMART - specific, measurable, agreed upon, realistic and time-based.
A goal might be to hold a weekly project meeting with the key members of your team or to organise and run a continuous test programme throughout the project.
The acronym SMART has a number of slightly different variations, which can be used to provide a more comprehensive definition for goal setting:
S - specific, significant, stretching
M - measurable, meaningful, motivational
A - agreed upon, attainable, achievable, acceptable, action-oriented
R - realistic, relevant, reasonable, rewarding, results-oriented
T - time-based, timely, tangible, trackable
This provides a broader definition that will help you to be successful in both your business and personal life.
When you next run a project take a moment to consider whether your goals are SMART goals.
To quote renowned American philanthropist Elbert Hubbard:
"Many people fail in life, not for lack of ability or brains or even courage, but simply because they have never organised their energies around a goal."


  • Well defined
  • Clear to anyone that has a basic knowledge of the project
  • Know if the goal is obtainable and how far away completion is
  • Know when it has been achieved
Agreed Upon
  • Agreement with all the stakeholders what the goals should be
  • Within the availability of resources, knowledge and time
Time Based
  • Enough time to achieve the goal
  • Not too much time, which can affect project performance

Project Planning a Step by Step Guide

By Duncan Haughey, PMP
Project Plan Gantt ChartThe key to a successful project is in the planning. Creating a project plan is the first thing you should do when undertaking any kind of project.
Often project planning is ignored in favour of getting on with the work. However, many people fail to realise the value of a project plan in saving time, money and many problems.
This article looks at a simple, practical approach to project planning. On completion of this guide, you should have a sound project planning approach that you can use for future projects.

Step 1: Project Goals

A project is successful when the needs of the stakeholders have been met. A stakeholder is anybody directly, or indirectly impacted by the project.
As a first step, it is important to identify the stakeholders in your project. It is not always easy to identify the stakeholders of a project, particularly those impacted indirectly. Examples of stakeholders are:
  • The project sponsor.
  • The customer who receives the deliverables.
  • The users of the project outputs.
  • The project manager and project team.
Once you understand who the stakeholders are, the next step is to find out their needs. The best way to do this is by conducting stakeholder interviews. Take time during the interviews to draw out the true needs that create real benefits. Often stakeholders will talk about needs that aren't relevant and don't deliver benefits. These can be recorded and set as a low priority.
The next step, once you have conducted all the interviews, and have a comprehensive list of needs is to prioritise them. From the prioritised list, create a set of goals that can be easily measured. A technique for doing this is to review them against the SMART principle. This way it will be easy to know when a goal has been achieved.
Once you have established a clear set of goals, they should be recorded in the project plan. It can be useful to also include the needs and expectations of your stakeholders.
This is the most difficult part of the planning process completed. It's time to move on and look at the project deliverables.

Step 2: Project Deliverables

Using the goals you have defined in step 1, create a list of things the project needs to deliver in order to meet those goals. Specify when and how each item must be delivered.
Add the deliverables to the project plan with an estimated delivery date. More accurate delivery dates will be established during the scheduling phase, which is next.

Step 3: Project Schedule

Create a list of tasks that need to be carried out for each deliverable identified in step 2. For each task identify the following:
  • The amount of effort (hours or days) required to complete the task.
  • The resource who will carryout the task.
Once you have established the amount of effort for each task, you can workout the effort required for each deliverable, and an accurate delivery date. Update your deliverables section with the more accurate delivery dates.
At this point in the planning, you could choose to use a software package such as Microsoft Project to create your project schedule. Alternatively, use one of the many free templates available. Input all of the deliverables, tasks, durations and the resources who will complete each task.
A common problem discovered at this point, is when a project has an imposed delivery deadline from the sponsor that is not realistic based on your estimates. If you discover that this is the case, you must contact the sponsor immediately. The options you have in this situation are:
  • Renegotiate the deadline (project delay).
  • Employ additional resources (increased cost).
  • Reduce the scope of the project (less delivered).
Use the project schedule to justify pursuing one of these options.

Step 4: Supporting Plans

This section deals with plans you should create as part of the planning process. These can be included directly in the plan.

Human Resource Plan

Identify by name, the individuals and organisations with a leading role in the project. For each, describe their roles and responsibilities on the project.
Next, describe the number and type of people needed to carryout the project. For each resource detail start dates, estimated duration and the method you will use for obtaining them.
Create a single sheet containing this information.

Communications Plan

Create a document showing who needs to be kept informed about the project and how they will receive the information. The most common mechanism is a weekly or monthly progress report, describing how the project is performing, milestones achieved and work planned for the next period.

Risk Management Plan

Risk management is an important part of project management. Although often overlooked, it is important to identify as many risks to your project as possible, and be prepared if something bad happens.
Here are some examples of common project risks:
  • Time and cost estimates too optimistic.
  • Customer review and feedback cycle too slow.
  • Unexpected budget cuts.
  • Unclear roles and responsibilities.
  • Stakeholder input is not sought, or their needs are not properly understood.
  • Stakeholders changing requirements after the project has started.
  • Stakeholders adding new requirements after the project has started.
  • Poor communication resulting in misunderstandings, quality problems and rework.
  • Lack of resource commitment.
Risks can be tracked using a simple risk log. Add each risk you have identified to your risk log; write down what you will do in the event it occurs, and what you will do to prevent it from occurring. Review your risk log on a regular basis, adding new risks as they occur during the life of the project. Remember, when risks are ignored they don't go away.
Congratulations. Having followed all the steps above, you should have a good project plan. Remember to update your plan as the project progresses, and measure progress against the plan.

Most IT Projects Fail. Will Yours?

By Kelly Waters
Checkmate on a Chess BoardStudies on project failure are easy to find and make depressing reading. Gartner studies suggest that 75% of all US IT projects are considered to be failures by those responsible for initiating them. But what do they mean by failure?
They mean the solutions fundamentally did not do what was agreed. Or they missed deadlines. And/or came in over budget. Indeed half of the projects exceeded budget by 200%!
A Standish Group study, again in the US IT industry, found that 31% of projects were cancelled outright and that the performance of 53% of the all projects was so worrying that they were challenged.
Some questions that need to be answered in assessing whether a project is fundamentally a success or failure?
  • Has the project satisfied the business requirements of the primary stakeholders?
  • Were the deliverables produced on time and within budget (or as amended by agreed change control)?
  • Do the business owners perceive the project to be successful?
  • Has the project delivered the business value promised in the original case for doing it?
I've scanned the Internet and read all sorts of articles and research on project failure, and consolidated them into a long list of reasons why IT projects most commonly fail. I've managed to eliminate all the duplicate reasons and boil it all down to these common areas, although it's still quite a long list, unfortunately for IT and project managers!

Project Initiation and Planning Issues

  • Unclear or unconvincing business case
  • Insufficient or non-existent approval process
  • Poor definition of project scope and objectives
  • Insufficient time or money given to project
  • Lack of business ownership and accountability
  • Insufficient and/or over-optimistic planning
  • Poor estimating
  • Long or unrealistic timescales; forcing project end dates despite best estimates
  • Lack of thoroughness and diligence in the project startup phases

Technical and Requirements Issues

  • Lack of user involvement (resulting in expectation issues)
  • Product owner unclear or consistently not available
  • Scope creep; lack of adequate change control
  • Poor or no requirements definition; incomplete or changing requirements
  • Wrong or inappropriate technology choices
  • Unfamiliar or changing technologies; lack of required technical skills
  • Integration problems during implementation
  • Poor or insufficient testing before go-live
  • Lack of QA for key deliverables
  • Long and unpredictable bug fixing phase at end of project

Stakeholder Management and Team Issues

  • Insufficient attention to stakeholders and their needs; failure to manage expectations
  • Lack of senior management/executive support; project sponsors not 100% committed to the objectives; lack understanding of the project and not actively involved
  • Inadequate visibility of project status
  • Denial adopted in preference to hard truths
  • People not dedicated to project; trying to balance too many different priorities
  • Project team members lack experience and do not have the required skills
  • Team lacks authority or decision making ability
  • Poor collaboration, communication and teamwork

Project Management Issues

  • No project management best practices
  • Weak ongoing management; inadequately trained or inexperienced project managers
  • Inadequate tracking and reporting; not reviewing progress regularly or diligently enough
  • Ineffective time and cost management
  • Lack of leadership and/or communication skills
I'm sure we've all seen projects with all or some of these issues. You know, those projects "other people" run.
In reality, probably ALL projects have many of these issues. But somewhere there is a threshold. An undefined point where the issues are material to a project's chance of success, or its likelihood to fail. If only we knew where that point was!

A few things struck me when compiling this list:

Not one article or piece of research I read (and I read quite a few!) mentioned risk management. Not one. Lack of proactive risk management. Inability to identify or mitigate risks. Lack of focus on risks. Not one article or piece of research that I found. So that got me thinking. If we don't seem to acknowledge risk management, and we certainly don't seem to see it as a cause of failure, are we to believe that we as an IT industry have got risk management cracked? And if so, why do so many of our projects fail?
Secondly I was thinking about how agile principles help to mitigate these risks? I have a strong view that agile methods help with some of these areas a lot, although I'm not sure all. And it also got me thinking that I don't recall reading about any formal mechanism or process for risk management within agile methods - unless I've missed or forgotten it. There's quite a bit of risk management inherently built into agile principles and practices, but there doesn't seem to be any explicit risk management discipline.
Thirdly, I started thinking about risk management in more formal project management methodologies such as PRINCE2. Risk management is certainly a key discipline there. But one of the key things I was taught as a PRINCE2-based project manager (once upon a time I was one), was to only highlight risks unique to the project, because there's no need to highlight the usual risks. We all know software development projects might run late, for instance. So we don't need to articulate it on a formal project proposal, or in the risk log, etc. But if we don't articulate and mitigate the usual risks, aren't we ignoring the risks most likely to cause our project to fail?

Avoid Failed Projects

Prevention is Better than Cure

By Duncan Haughey, PMP
Chessboard with Checkmate Position
The biggest problems that projects face are inadequate definition, scope and planning. How many projects have you worked on that ran perfectly; met your customers' expectations and delivered on time and on budget. You might be able to think of a couple, but can probably remember more that didn't go so well.
Many projects end successfully, many fail, but most end somewhere between. Often we miss one of the key measures; you've gone past a deadline, exceeded budget or not fully met customer expectations. The easiest way to avoid this, is to ensure the project has a good definition, scope and plan before you start.

Set Expectations Early

It's not uncommon to hear the phrase, "we should have spent more time planning," during end project meetings. It's tempting when given a new project to start the work. Always avoid this rookie mistake. Before your project starts, you must make sure there is an agreed definition, scope and plan. The trick is to ensure that all your stakeholders have the same view and they understand:
  • What you will deliver
  • How much it will cost
  • When you will deliver it
  • What the benefits will be
  • How you will approach the work
It's essential you communicate this before the project starts, to avoid different viewpoints and expectations later. If stakeholders don't have time to talk to you (so you can develop a common understanding) it's best not to start - after all, how important can the project be?

Review Budgets and Deadlines

Budgets and deadlines often get set before a project manager is involved. If you start work before setting the definition, scope and creating a plan, you won't realise until it's too late, that you have inadequate budget and an unrealistic timescale. Never commit to the numbers until you have completed the definition, scope and plan.

Know the Scope

The only way to manage scope is to know what it is before the project starts. If you don't define the scope before you start, it's impossible to control it throughout the project, and you will become a victim of dreaded scope creep.

Define the Project

Before you start any project work, make sure you have defined the project goals, objectives, benefits, scope, risks, issues, budget, timescale and approach. Communicate this to all the stakeholders and get their agreement. Resolve any differences of opinion before the project starts.

Create the Plan

The easiest way to assess the budget and timescale needed for the project is to create a project plan, with all the tasks mapped out and resources assigned before you start. Don't start without the required resources, or on a promise of them later.
Remember, prevention is better than cure. Without a definition and plan, you risk scope creep, different views and expectations from stakeholders and a painful project experience.

Why Does Project Management Fail?

By Tim Bryce
Chessboard with Checkmate Position"It must be remembered that project management is first and foremost a philosophy of management, not an elaborate set of tools and techniques. It will only be as effective as the people who use it." - Bryce's Law
I often run into companies who ask the simple question, "Why can't we get our act together? Why does project management routinely fail in our company?" I do not believe a company's overall problems in project management can be attributed to a specific tool or technique (although some certainly do not help matters). Instead, I believe it is based on how important a company considers project management to be. If they believe it to be a vital part of the company's overall performance, it will be more successful than a company who considers it irrelevant. In other words, I view project management as integral part of the corporate culture.
Let's consider the indicators of how a company values project management:
  • Lack of knowledge - employees simply lack the basic knowledge of the mechanics of project management. I do not run into too many companies anymore with a total absence of knowledge in this regard. The conceptual foundation of project management has been around for a number of years. There is a multitude of training programs in project management, both at the college and commercial level. There are also several discussion groups on the Internet and professional associations dealing with this subject (e.g., the project management Institute of Newtown Square, PA). Hiring or contracting people with absolutely no knowledge of basic project management concepts is becoming a rarity.
  • Lack of organisational policy - the company has not adopted a formal policy for managing projects. Consequently, informal and inconsistent approaches to project management are used with mixed results. This is a much more common occurrence than finding a company devoid of knowledge in project management.
  • Lack of enforcement of policy and procedures - even though a policy has been established, it is not enforced. As a result, inconsistent results emerge. If a standard and consistent approach to project management is devised by a company, it must be routinely policed in order to assure accuracy and uniform results. It is one thing to enact legislation, quite another to enforce it.
  • Lack of consideration for the magnitude and complexities of project management and attack it in piece meal - People seem to naturally underestimate the magnitude of project management. For example, project planning involves defining work breakdown structures and dependencies which is a precursor to estimating, planning, reporting and control; estimating is a prerequisite to scheduling; time reporting impacts project estimates and schedules; resource allocation is based on availability of qualified people (skills inventory) and current project schedules; etc. There is an overwhelming number of software packages on the market attacking various aspects of project management, but very few addressing it is an integrated whole.
It must be remembered that project management is first and foremost a philosophy of management, not an elaborate set of tools and techniques, nor is it an administrative function. Rather, it is concerned with managing human beings towards the accomplishment of work (it is a "people management" function). As such, project management will only be as effective as the people who use it.
Ultimately, project management represents discipline, organisation, and accountability; which are three areas people seem to have a natural aversion to these days.
Discipline - In the western world, people tend to resist discipline because some believe it inhibits creativity and personal freedom. As a result, teamwork is often sacrificed in favor of rugged individualism.
Organisation - Pursuant to discipline is the problem of organisation. Again, in the western world, people prefer to maintain their own identity and organise themselves to meet their needs as opposed to the needs of the organisation. There are also those who claim, "A cluttered desk is the sign of a brilliant mind." Hogwash. In contrast, I am a believer of the Navy's regimen whereby you either work on something, file it, or throw it away. This forces people to get organised. If we need more files, let's get them. A cluttered desk is a sign of a disorganised person. Shape up, or ship out.
Accountability - This is an area people tend to rebel against the most. The approach to project management, as advocated by "PRIDE," ultimately represents visibility and responsibility to produce according to plan. Unfortunately, some people shun commitments and, instead, prefer to hide their activity, thereby they cannot be measured and evaluated. This is typically the reaction of people who are insecure. People who are confident in their abilities have no problem with the accountability issue.

Reactive vs. Active Management

The old adage, "If you do not make the decision, the decision will be made for you," is valid. This also sums up the difference between an active and a reactive manager. True project management requires an "active" manager, not "reactive." The active manager takes care of the problems before they happen. They plan on the future. The reactive manager deals with yesterday and waits until problems occur, then tries to take care of them. Today, more and more IT organisations find themselves in a constant "firefighting" mode of operation. Why? Because of a "reactive" management style. The "reactive" manager never seems to get ahead, yet probably enjoys the highest visibility in the company. As an aside, beware of your "firefighters," they are probably your chief arsonists.
Managers don't wait for things to happen, they make things happen.

How Much Project Management is Necessary?

Can the philosophies of project management be adopted and implemented by a single group of people for a single project? Yes. A department or division? Certainly. The entire company? Definitely. In fact, as the scope grows, communications improves and the philosophy is more consistently applied.
The scope of project management affects many people:
  • The individual worker will prepare estimates and schedules, perform project work, and report on activities.
  • The project manager will plan and direct the use of resources on projects, and solve problems.
  • Department managers will administer resources and control projects within an area.
  • Executive management will establish project priorities and monitor project progress.
Obviously, project management should not be restricted to a handful of people or projects. Dozens of projects may be active at any one time, involving hundreds of workers across departmental boundaries. Synchronisation of the work effort is required to maximise effect and minimise confusion. project management, therefore, should be viewed as a corporate philosophy as opposed to a technique used by a select few. Only when a standard and consistent approach to project management is adopted by a company will it become an integral part of the corporate culture. We will then hear less about why project management fails, and more of how the company is prospering.

Job Transition : Do it the Right Way

At some one point in our career, many of us wanted to tell our employers, “I quit!”. We may even have fantasized going out in a blaze of glory, like former Jet Blue flight attendant Steve Slater.
However, there is a right and a wrong way to transition from one job to another within or outside the organization you work for. So, if you’re someone who is seeking a better position or finds that a fantastic opportunity has landed in your lap, here are three steps from a Harvard Business Revie to do it right.

1. Take the high road.Be positive. When you give the news to your boss, avoid ranting and raving. You may feel better but it won’t help your career. If you do have constructive feedback, schedule a separate meeting with your boss focusing on how the team can work better going forward.
2. Help find your replacement.Don’t leave your team or manager in the lurch. Review with your boss the job’s challenges and responsibilities. You can even give suggestions of who might be a good fit. Tie up loose ends and document your work so that there is a smooth transition. Leaving your team in good hands and in good shape will be remembered long after you’re gone.
3. Stay in Touch.Don’t sever all ties with the company even if you had a bad experience. Your former colleagues or managers are a valuable asset to you and not just for the sake of the reference letter or Linkedin recommendation. More importantly, that network may come in handy over the next 10, 20, or even 30 years of your work life..

Career Success Tip:

Don’t burn bridges. Who knows where you’ll end up after this new job? Today’s work world is very mobile. In a future role, you may end up working with or for that former boss or those colleagues or your direct reports. It happens. Don’t you want them to think highly of you today as well as tomorrow? So, do the right.

Obrolan Babeh dengan Si Ayank

Pembicaraan di ruang keluarga, sepulang dari rumah sakit akibat kecelakaan lalu lintas, sekali lagi kecelakaan lalu lintas bukan kecelakaan tanda petik.!!!

Babeh ; Yank (ayank adalah nama panggilan), kamu pas kecelakaan kemaren abis minum - minuman keras yah.??
Ayank ; Hahhh ndak kok beh, masak sih ayank minum - minuman keras, itu murni beh   kecelakaan lalu lintas.
Babeh ; Bener,?? kamu gak bohong,??
Ayank ; Ya iyalah masa ayank bohong.!! Dengan sangat yakinnya, untuk meyakinkan babeh.
Babeh ; Yank, babeh tuh udah kenal ayank lama, bahkan babeh tuh udah kenal ayank semenjak ayank lahir.
Ayank ; Iya lah terus emang kenapa beh.??  sambil clingak clinguk sembari mikir.
Babeh ; Babeh tuh mau gak percaya, orang ayank anak babeh, Udah lah yank, kamu tuh sering kecelakaan, dan anehnya tiap kecelakaan pasti di atas jam 1 dini hari.
Ayank ; Iya sih beh, emang kecelakaan itu bisa menimpa siapa saja, kapan saja, dan dimana saja, jadi kita kudu selalu hati - hati, sedia payung sebelum hujan. Dengan gaya bicara sok dewasa.
Babeh ; Terus kemaren pas di rumah sakit, susternya ngomong ama babeh, kalau mulutmu bau Alkohol.!!!
Ayank ; Hehehe iya beh dikit, maapin ayank yah, ayank khilaf. Sembari garuk - garuk kepala, padahal gak gatel.
Babeh ; Ya sudah, jangan diulangin lagi ya yank.!!
Ayank ; Iya beh, ayank janji, ayank gak akan ngulangin lagi, i luv u beh muahhh muaaahhhhh. sembari cengar cengir dasarnya bocah tengil.
Babeh ; Anak yang aneeeh.!!!

Pesan sponsor ;
So jangan bohong ama orang tua lagi yah.!!!
adagalihdimari, Salam Action.!!!

Minggu, 19 Juni 2011

Test Conflicts with the Right Brain Left Brain

Silahkan Anda Klik Gambar Dibawah Ini

Coba anda perhatikan Tulisan yang tertera dibawah gambar hati < BIRU-KUNING-HIJAU-MERAH>, Namun anda diminta menyebutkan WARNANYA,.!!! Bukan TULISANNYA.!!!!
Otak KANAN anda akan menyebutkan Warnanya, sedangkan Otak KIRI anda akan membaca Tulisannya.!!!!
Pastinya anda akan terganggu dengan adanya konflik Otak Kanan dengan Otak Kiri anda.!!!
Toenkk Toenkk Tuinnkk.!!!!  

Jadi anda cenderung dominan Otak Kanan atau Otak Kiri anda,??
Nda perlu anda jawab sekarang, jika saya bisa keluar dari layar monitor anda saya akan mengatakan kepada anda, pastikan jangan salah membaca Perintahnya.!!! Hehehehee.

Ilustration ;

adagalihdimari, salam Action.!!!!

The Brain Test

The Right Brain vs Left Brain test ...
Do you see the dancer turning clockwise or anti-clockwise?
If clockwise, then you use more of the right side of the brain and vice versa.
Most of us would see the dancer turning anti-clockwise though you can try to focus and change the direction; see if you can do it.

uses logic
detail oriented
facts rule
words and language
present and past
math and science
can comprehend
order/pattern perception
knows object name
reality based
forms strategies

uses feeling
"big picture" oriented
imagination rules
symbols and images
present and future
philosophy & religion
can "get it" (i.e. meaning)
spatial perception
knows object function
fantasy based
presents possibilities
risk taking

Left Brain - Right Brain


This theory of the structure and functions of the mind suggests that the two different sides of the brain control two different “modes” of thinking. It also suggests that each of us prefers one mode over the other.


Experimentation has shown that the two different sides, or hemispheres, of the brain are responsible for different manners of thinking. The following table illustrates the differences between left-brain and right-brain thinking:

Left Brain Right Brain
SequentialRational Analytical
Looks at parts
RandomIntuitive Holistic
Looks at wholes

Most individuals have a distinct preference for one of these styles of thinking. Some, however, are more whole-brained and equally adept at both modes. In general, schools tend to favor left-brain modes of thinking, while downplaying the right-brain ones. Left-brain scholastic subjects focus on logical thinking, analysis, and accuracy. Right-brained subjects, on the other hand, focus on aesthetics, feeling, and creativity.

How Right-Brain vs. Left-Brain Thinking Impacts Learning

Curriculum–In order to be more “whole-brained” in their orientation, schools need to give equal weight to the arts, creativity, and the skills of imagination and synthesis.

Instruction–To foster a more whole-brained scholastic experience, teachers should use instruction techniques that connect with both sides of the brain. They can increase their classroom’s right-brain learning activities by incorporating more patterning, metaphors, analogies, role playing, visuals, and movement into their reading, calculation, and analytical activities.

Assessment–For a more accurate whole-brained evaluation of student learning, educators must develop new forms of assessment that honor right-brained talents and skills.

Sabtu, 18 Juni 2011

Dengan Sholat Allah memberi Pertolongan

Pertolongan akan datang kepada orang - orag yang dekat dengan Allah. Pertolongan datang saat - saat kesulitan, saat tertimpa musibah atau saat - saat kita sangat membutuhkan pertolongan itu sendiri.
Sholat adalah sarana datangnya pertolongan Allah. Pertolongan Allah sangatlah dekat, sedekat hamba-Nya mendekat dalam sholat.
"Hai orang - orang beriman jadikanlah sabar dan sholat sebagai penolongmu, sesungguhnya Allah beserta orang - orang yang sabar."
(Al Baqarah [2]: 153)
"Jadikanlah sabar dan sholat sebagai penolongmu. Dan sesungguhnya yang demikian sungguh berat, kecuali bagi orang - orang yang khusyu".
(Al Baqarah [2]: 45)
Semoga beemanfaat, Salam Action.!!!

Bukti Allah Mencintai Mahluk-Nya

Karunia Allah amatlah luas. Nikmat Allah tidak pernah terbatas, bahkan manusia tidak akan mampu menghitungnya.
Allah SWT berfirman ;
"Dan jika kamu menghitung - hitung nikmat Allah niscaya kamu tak dapat menentukan jumlahnya. Sesungguhnya Allah benar - benar Maha Pengampun lagi Maha Penyayang."
(An Nahl [16]: 18)
Firman yang lain ;
"Dan apa saja nikmat yang ada pada kamu, maka dari Allah-lah (datangnya), dan bila kamu ditimpa kemudharatan, maka hanya kepada-Nya-lah kamu meminta pertolongan".
(An Nahl[16]: 53)
Alam semesta dengan segala keteraturannya hanyalah sebagian bukti kecintaan Allah kepada hamba - hamba-Nya. Allah memberikan semuanya, baik kepada orang yang taat, maupun orang yang durhaka kepada-Nya.
Jika seseorang durhaka, dengan segala kelapangan dan kemurahan-Nya amatlah luas ampunan-Nya. Betapa besar cinta Allah kepada hamba - hamba-Nya, namun hal tersebut tidak sebanding dengan apa yang kita lakukan untuk Allah.
Semoga bermanfaat, Salam Action.!!

Why Prayer does Not Come True.?

Manusia berkumpul di sekitar Ibrahim bin Adham di pasar Basrah -Irak-. Merka bertanya kepadanya, "Mengapa kami berdoa tetapi Allah tidak mengabulkan doa kami.? Maka beliau manjawab, "Wahai penduduk Basrah, Allah tidak mengabulkan doa kalian, karena bhatin kalian mati dalam 10 hal".
  1. Kalian mengenal Allah, namun kalian tidak menunaikan hak-hak-Nya.
  2. Kalian membaca Al-Quran tetapi tidak mengamalkannya.
  3. Kalian mengaku cinta Rasulullah, namun kalian meninggalkan sunahnya.
  4. Kalian mengaku memusuhi syetan, namun kalian bersamanya.
  5. Kalian mengatakan, "kami cinta surga" namun kalian tidak beramal untuk mendapatkannya.
  6. Kalian mengatakan, "kami takut neraka" namun kalian bergegas menghampirinya.
  7. Kalian mengatakan kematian itu pasti, namun klaian tidak mempersiapkannya.
  8. Kalian sibuk dengan Aib saudaramu ataupun orang lain, namun kalian lupa dengan Aib kalian sendiri.
  9. Kalian menikmati nikmat Allah, namun kalian tidak mensyukurinya.
  10. Kalian menguburkan mayit, namun kalian tidak mengambil pelajaran darinya.
Semoga bermanfaat, Salam Action.!!!!

Jumat, 17 Juni 2011


Kognisi adalah kepercayaan seseorang tentang sesuatu yang didapatkan dari proses berpikir tentang seseorang atau sesuatu.
Proses yang dilakukan adalah memperoleh pengetahuan dan memanipulasi pengetahuan melalui aktivitas mengingat, menganalisis, memahami, menilai, menalar, dan berbahasa. Kapasitas atau kemampuan kognisi biasa diartikan sebagai kecerdasan atau inteligensi. Bidang ilmu yang mempelajari kognisi beragam, di antaranya adalah psikologi, flsafat, komunikasi, neurosains, serta kecerdasan buatan.
Pengetahuan seseorang tentang sesuatu, dipercaya dapat memengaruhi sikap mereka dan pada akhirnya memengaruhi perilaku / tindakan mereka terhadap sesuatu. Mengubah pengetahuan seseorang akan sesuatu yang dipercaya dapat mengubah perilaku mereka.

Listen to Intuition

“Ketika akan membuat keputusan sangat penting, entah dalam menentukan pasangan hidup atau pilihan profesi, keputusan harus datang dari bawah sadar”, demikian nasihat tokoh legendaris Sigmund Freud.

Intuisi merupakan sarana ampuh untuk memecahkan masalah, baik karir maupun kehidupan pribadi. Terbukti, para pengambil keputusan jitu, yang berhasil mengambil keputusan secara efisien, efektif, dan bijaksana, selalu mengkombinasi kekuatan intuisi dengan berpikir analitisnya (dibaca; otak kiri). Pertanyaanya, bagaimana melatih kekuatan intuisi ini sehingga dapat digunakan sebagai mana mestinya.??

Kembangkan kemampuan intuisi dasar
Awal dari segalanya adalah niat & keyakinan. Yakini bahwa Anda mempunyai intuisi dan menghargai intuisi itu. Yakini Anda mampu mengeluarkan intuisi itu, dan benar-benar berniat mengembangkannya. Yakini, informasi yang diperlukan akan Anda peroleh dari intuisi Anda.

Frekuensikan geombang Otak pada posisi Alfa.Ketika tubuh dalam keadaan santai, pikiran pun akan mengendur. Ini memungkinkan frekuensi gelombang otak diperlambat, sehingga pikiran bawah sadar akan berfungsi lebih aktif.

Positive Thinking & Positive FeelingLepaskan segala perasaan dan pikiran negatif yang memblokade energi. Buat diri Anda berpikir positif dan berprasangka baik. Ganti pikiran negatif dengan pernyataan atau prasangka yang lebih positif.

Semua agama mengajarkan kita untuk berdoa. Ini membantu Anda memasuki kondisi kesadaran yang lebih dalam, di mana jawaban atas pertanyaan-pertanyaan Anda akan datang lebih mudah. Anda bisa berdoa menggunakan sarana ritual maupun tidak, kapan saja dan dimana saja.
Intuisi menghubungkan kita ke suatu database raksasa. Oleh karena itu, untuk memperoleh jawaban spesifik pertanyaan yang diajukan pun kudu spesifik dan jelas.

Beberapa teknik ;

Memprogram intuisi.
Katakan pada diri anda sendiri, contoh ; “Saya ingin berangkat Umrah tahun ini”, dan “Saya akan mengingatnya dan saya akan memantaskan diri saya untuk itu.”

Perhatikan diri Anda.
Apa yang dulu anda lakukan apa yang terjadi pada diri anda sekarang. Apa yang anda lakukan sekarang dan apa kenginan atau harapan anda dimasa akan datang. Perhatikan terus biarkan bayanganmu menceritakannya, Ada sebuah kalimat yang menurut saya bagus sekali, "saya tidak butuh pasangan yang menangis pada saat saya menangis, tertawa pada saat tertawa, because the shadow I could do it better". Hahahaaaa..!!!

Ajukan satu pertanyaan pada intuisi Anda sebelum berolahraga. Kemudian fokuskan diri anda pada saat berolahraga. Perhatikan berbagai isyarat yang muncul selama dan setelah olahraga.

Bikin catatan Harapan.
Luangkan waktu sekitar 20 menit untuk menuliskan segala sesuatu yang ingin, telah atau sedang dikerjakan. Ciptakan orang, perasaan, dan tempat yang ingin dikunjungi. Anggap semuanya serba mungkin. Tak perlu mempertimbangkan soal keamanan atau finansial. Perhatikan apa tema-tema besar yang muncul dalam mimpi Anda setelah itu.

Memprogram sukses sehari.
Santai di tempat tidur sebelum bangun pagi. Bayangkan di layar batin, sehari yang penuh dengan kesuksesan. Pasang jam pada layar itu dan secara batin gerakkan jarumnya jam demi jam dari pagi hingga hari berakhir. Mainkan “bioskop batin” itu, dengan Anda sebagai sutradaranya. Dalam bioskop digambarkan bagaimana segala sesuatu berjalan dengan lancar dan sukses.

Buat catatan harian.
Setiap hari catatlah gagasan, perasaan, dan firasat Anda. Perhatikan apa yang ditulis dan perasaan Anda saat menulisnya. Catat pikiran dan perasaan yang muncul saat Anda selesai. Anda akan mengetahui beda antara firasat berdasarkan intuisi (dibaca; otak kanan) dan gagasan berdasarkan perhitungan (dibaca; otak kiri).

Latihan itu Penting.
Makin banyak Anda berusaha mendengarkan dan memperhatikan intuisi, semakin tinggi kemampuan Anda untuk mendengarnya. Maka luangkan waktu barang lima menit setiap hari untuk mendengarkan intuisi. Mintalah bantuan, dukungan, petunjuk, atau apa pun kepada Allah. Percayalah, Anda akan memperoleh jawaban.

Semoga bermanfaat, salam Action dari saya, terimakasih.!!!!


Intuition - Intuisi
Intuisi adalah istilah untuk kemampuan memahami sesuatu tanpa melalui penalaran rasional dan intelektualitas. Sepertinya pemahaman itu tiba-tiba saja datangnya dari dunia lain dan diluar kesadaran. Misalnya saja, seseorang tiba-tiba saja terdorong untuk membaca sebuah buku. Ternyata, didalam buku itu ditemukan keterangan yang dicari-carinya selama bertahun-tahun. Atau misalnya, merasa bahwa ia harus pergi ke sebuah tempat, ternyata disana ia menemukan penemuan besar yang mengubah hidupnya. Sebagian intuisi bisa dijelaskan sebab musababnya.

Sebuah penelitian menunjukkan bahwa orang-orang yang berada dalam jajaran puncak bisnis atau kaum eksekutif memiliki skor lebih baik dalam eksperimen uji indera keenam dibandingkan dengan orang-orang biasa. Penelitian itu sepertinya menegaskan bahwa orang-orang sukses lebih banyak menerapkan kekuatan  dalam kehidupan keseharian mereka, hal mana menunjang kesuksesan mereka. Salah satu bentuk kemampuan yang sering muncul adalah kemampuan intuisi. Tidak jarang, intuisi yang menentukan keputusan yang mereka ambil.

Sampai saat ini dipercaya bahwa intuisi yang baik dan tajam adalah syarat agar seseorang dapat sukses dalam bisnis maupun karier, dan hal ini sudah diaminkan oleh minoritas (dibaca; orang sukses). Oleh karena itu tidak mengherankan jika banyak buku-buku mengenai kiat-kiat sukses selalu memasukkan strategi mempertajam intuisi.

Rabu, 15 Juni 2011

God Spot

God Spot
Peneliti “Neuorolog” Michael Persinger di awal tahun 1990-an dan VS. Ramachandran bersama timnya di Universitas California. Barat pernah meneliti, adanya titik Tuhan (God Spot) dalam otak manusia. Ternyata, pusat spiritual yang terpasang ini terletak di antara hubungan-hubungan syaraf dalam cuping-cuping temporal otak. Melalui pengamatan terhadap otak dengan topografi emisi, positron, dan area-area syaraf tersebut akan bersinar manakala subjek penelitian diarahkan untuk mendiskusikan topic spiritual atau agama.

Menurut ahli syaraf, syaraf ini memiliki gejala yang unik, karena tidak teraliri oleh darah sepanjang hari, namun tidak mati. Syaraf ini butuh darah hanya 2-4 detik saja sebanyak 5 kali sehari. Syaraf ini diyakini sebagai chip atau modem yang ditanam oleh Allah ke dalam otak manusia agar mampu menerima hal-hal yang berhubungan dengan spiritual dan ilmu yang datangnya langsung dari Sang Pencipta melalui ilham.

Sebaliknya, apabila syaraf ini tidak aktif, maka orang tersebut sulit untuk menerima hal-hal yang berbau moral/etika, apalagi spiritual.
....Otak kanan memiliki kemampuan dalam hal rasa empati, kemampuan berkolaborasi dengan bathin, dan kemampuan daya kreatif....
Otak Kanan ;

  • Emosional, terkait EQ
  • Afektif, intuitif
  • Imajinatif, artistik
  • Holistik
  • Kualitatif, spasial
  • Visual, implisit
  • Interpersonal, other centric
  • Motorik Kiri
“Otak kanan memiliki kemampuan dalam hal rasa empati atau kepedulian yang tinggi. Otak kanan juga memiliki kemampuan berkolaborasi dengan bathin, memiliki kemampuan daya kreatif dan seni yang tinggi. Keistimewaan otak kanan juga memiliki gelombang otak bersama gelombang alfa. Gelombang ini yang bisa merasakan keikhlasan, kebahagiaan, ketenangan, kekhusyukan, relaxi, hening, kepuasan, imajinatif dan seterusnya.

Recent Research Results

Hasil Penelitian Mutakhir
Tahukah Anda, bahwa kemampuan otak kanan itu memiliki kapasitas 90% dan otak kiri hanya 10-12%. Hasil penelitian mutakhir di AS menyebutkan, peran logika dalam membuat orang menjadi sukses hanya 4-6%, sedangkan 94-96% adalah tanggungjawab otak kanan yang banyak berhubungan dengan inovasi, kreativitas, naluri, intuisi, daya cipta, kejujuran, keuletan, tanggungjawab, kesungguhan, spirit, kedisiplinan, etika, empati dan lain-lain.
Sedangkan tugas otak kiri adalah yang selalu berhubungan dengan angka-angka, bahasa analisa, logika, intelektual, ilmu pengetahuan. Adapun otak kanan bertanggungjawab dalam hal imajinasi, kreativitas, seni, music, inovasi, daya cipta, intuisi, otak bawah sadar, keikhlasan, kebahagiaan, spirit, keuletan, kejujuran, keindahan dan lain-lain. Selain diurusi oleh otak kiri, juga menjadi urusan otak kanan.
....Otak kanan dapat merekam dengan cepat dan tersimpan selamanya dalam memori otak. Sel-sel darah manusia dapat menjadi cadangan tempat penyimpanan memori manakala memori otak kita penuh. Kapasitas kemampuan otak kanan dalam menyimpan memori mencapai 10 pangkat 5 juta kilometer....
Otak kanan, sesungguhnya dapat merekam dengan cepat dan tersimpan selamanya dalam memori otak. Sel-sel darah manusia dapat menjadi cadangan tempat penyimpanan memori manakala memori otak kita penuh. Perlu diketahui, kapasitas kemampuan otak kanan dalam menyimpan memori mencapai 10 pangkat 5 juta kilometer, yang kalau dihitung deretan angka nol di belakangnya adalah sebanding dengan jarak antara bumi dan bulan 14 kali pulang pergi.

Lalu apa pentingnya imajinasi.??
Albert Einstein menemukan teori relativitas karena kekuatan imajinasinya. Kemudian sewaktu duduk di bangku sekolah, gurunya mengajari Einstein tentang kekuatan daya imajinasi. Salah satu rahasia kecerdasan orang Yahudi adalah kekuatan imajinasi.
Andrea Hirata, penulis buku Laskar Pelangi bisa sukses, bukan karena ilmu finance yang mereka pelajari di Sorbonne Prancis, akan tetapi karena kemampuan daya imajinasi seorang Andrea kreatif meramu perjalanan hidupnya menjadi suatu cerita yang menarik, lalu ditulislah kedalam bentuk Novel Tetralogi Laskar Pelangi—sekarang menjadi novel berkelas dunia karena sudah dialih bahasakan ke dalam berbagai bahasa. Novelnya kemudian difilmkan dan sukses di pasaran.
Salah satu orang yang bisa membiayai untuk berwisata ke luar angkasa adalah pembuat game computer dari Amerika Serikat (AS), keahlian untuk merancang game komputer, tentunya membutuhkan kemampuan imajinasi yang tinggi.
Bahkan orang terkaya di dunia, Billy Gates, pemilik Microsoft adalah seorang yang drop out dari perguruan tinggi. Tapi jangan ditanya soal tekad dan daya imajinasi yang tinggi, sehingga mampu mendirikan perusahaan Microsoft yang dibangun dengan modal tekad yang kuat.
Bahkan, Matshushitya Konoshuke, pemilik perusahaan elektronik Jepang “Panasonic” adalah mantan penjaga toko sepeda. Termasuk motivator sekaligus penulis buku terkenal Andri Wongso adalah anak dari keluarga miskin di Malang yang tidak tamat sekolah dasar, tapi karena keberaniannya bermimpi (daya imajinasi) akhirnya menjadi bintang film di Hongkong serta membuat kata-kata mutiara yang ditulis di kertas pembatas buku bernama Harvest. Itu artinya, cerdas saja tidak cukup, tapi diperlukan kreativitas dengan selalu mengasah imajinasi, dalam hal ini merangsang otak kanannya.

Islam and The Right Brain

Islam dan Otak Kanan
Islam adalah agama merangsang otak kanan manusia menjadi berfungsi. Betapa tidak, ketika kita mencoba memahami bagaimana pergantian malam dan siang terjadi, seperti dijelaskan dalam Al Qur’an, tentu diperlukan kemampuan membayangkan untuk bisa merasakan kebesaran Tuhan dalam menciptakan alam semesta, menghidupkan maupun mematikan manusia, membagikan rezeki, masih ingat kah tentang matematika Allah pada artikel sebelumnya,?? walaupun rezeki tidak sekedar hanya materi (bisa berupa kesehatan, keselamatan umur panjang dll), mengatur alam semesta, benda - benda langit agar tidak saling bertabrakan.!!

“Sesungguhnya dalam penciptaan langit dan bumi, dan silih bergantinya malam dan siang terdapat tanda-tanda bagi orang-orang yang berakal, yaitu orang-orang yang mengingat Allah sambil berdiri atau duduk atau dalam keadaan berbaring dan mereka memikirkan tentang penciptaan langit dan bumi seraya berkata: “Ya Tuhan kami, tiadalah Engkau menciptakan ini dengan sia-sia. Maha Suci Engkau, maka peliharalah kami dari siksa neraka” (Qs. Ali Imran 190-191).

“Tanpa kemampuan membayangkan, kita tidak sanggup melihat dan merasakan langsung tanda-tanda yang dimaksud, dan tidak sanggup memikirkan penciptaan langit dan bumi,”
Bahkan dalam hadits Nabi dikatakan: “Sembahlah Tuhan-Mu seakan-akan engkau melihatnya, dan apabila kamu tidak sanggup melihat-Nya, maka yakinlah bahwa Allah melihat kamu.”
Sangat jelas dalam hadits ini, perintah untuk seolah-olah melihat Allah dalam shalat adalah kemampuan “membayangkan.” Seperti diketahui, ayat-ayat suci Al Quran banyak menggunakan kata perumpamaan: seakan-akan, seperti, yang tentunya membutuhkan kemampuan membayangkan yang kuat.
 “Tahukah Anda kalau kemampuan membayangkan dan memvisualisasikan adalah tugas otak kanan?”

Otak Kanan ;
  • Emosional, terkait EQ
  • Afektif, intuitif
  • Imajinatif, artistik
  • Holistik
  • Kualitatif, spasial
  • Visual, implisit
  • Interpersonal, other centric
  • Motorik Kiri
adagalihdimari~salam action

Take a sheet of Paper

Suatu ketika seorang teman menghampiri saya, untuk mengungkapkan kegelapan hidupnya yang sedang susah. Dia merasa bahwa segala yang dimilikinya sudah tidak ada lagi yang berarti. Akhirnya saya menanggapi apa yang ia sampaikan,
Dan dia menceritakan segala macam keluahannya,
“Semua yang saya miliki sudah hilang!” Saya tidak punya harapan lagi. Sekarang saya merasa hidup saya berada dalam kegelapan dan tidak ada artinya lagi,” kata pria itu.
“Mari kita lihat kehidupan Anda kata saya,”. Kemudian saya membuat sebuah garis tepat di tengah selembar kertas kosong dan menyarankan dia menuliskan apa saja yang telah hilang dari hidupnya di kolom sebelah kiri dan menuliskan apa yang masih tersisa di kolom sebelah kanan.
“saya tidak perlu mengisi kolom di sebelah kanan,” kata dia penuh dengan kesedihan. “Saya sudah tidak punya apa-apa lagi,” katanya. Saya kemudian bertanya “Kapan kamu bercerai?” “Hei, apa maksud Kamu? Saya tidak pernah bercerai dengan isteriku. Ia sangat mencintai aku.”
Kalau begitu bagus sekali, sahut Saya, “Mari kita catat ini sebagai nomor satu di kolom kanan, “isteri sangat mencintai saya.” Nah! sekarang saya mau tanya, kapan anakmu masuk penjara?” Pria itu kaget dan berkata “Kamu sangat konyol, tidak ada anak saya yang masuk penjara!”
Kalau begitu bagus! yang ini kita masukkan sebagai nomor dua ke dalam kolom sebelah kanan: “Anak-anakku tidak ada yang masuk penjara.”
Setelah beberapa pertanyaan serupa yang saya tanyakan, akhirnya dia menangkap maksud saya sambil tersenyum-senyum dan dengan mata berkaca-kaca: “Menggelikan sekali ya,” kata dia. “Betapa segalanya berubah ketika kita berpikir dengan cara seperti itu.” Demikianlah lalu dia ngeluyur keluar dari ruangan kantor saya dengan perasaan yang berbeda dan sikap yang berbeda pula terhadap hidupnya.

Jika Anda pun sedang mengalami hal serupa atau mirip-mirip dengan kisah di atas, Anda pun bisa mengambil selembar kertas dan membaginya menjadi dua kolom. Mulailah dahulu untuk mengisi kolom sebelah kana, dengan mendaftarkan hal-hal apa saja yang masih Anda miliki, niscaya Anda akan bersukur bahwa ternyata Anda masih memiliki banyak hal berharga dalam hidup Anda!

So anda mau bahagia atau anda mau menderita itu pilihan..!!!

Positive Thinking Your key to Sucsess

Positive thinking brings inner peace, success, improved relationships, better health, happiness and satisfaction. It also helps the daily affairs of life move more smoothly, and makes life look bright and promising.
Positive thinking is contagious. People around you pick your mental moods and are affected accordingly. Think about happiness, good health and success, and you will cause people to like you and desire to help you, because they enjoy the vibrations that a positive mind emits.

In order to make positive thinking yield results, you need to develop a positive attitude toward life, expect a successful outcome of whatever you do, but also take any necessary actions to ensure your success.

Effective positive thinking that brings results is much more than just repeating a few positive words, or telling yourself that everything is going to be all right. It has to be your predominant mental attitude. It is not enough to think positively for a few moments, and then letting fears and lack of belief enter your mind. Some effort and inner work are necessary.

Are you willing to make a real inner change?
Are you willing to change the way you think?
Are you willing to develop a mental power that can positively affect you, your environment and the people around you?

Here are a few actions and tips to help you develop the power of positive thinking:
Always use only positive words while thinking and while talking. Use words such as, 'I can', 'I am able', 'it is possible', 'it can be done', etc.

Allow into your awareness only feelings of happiness, strength and success.

Try to disregard and ignore negative thoughts. Refuse to think such thoughts, and substitute them with constructive happy thoughts.

In your conversation use words that evoke feelings and mental images of strength, happiness and success.

Before starting with any plan or action, visualize clearly in your mind its successful outcome. If you visualize with concentration and faith, you will be amazed at the results.

Read at least one page of inspiring book every day.

Watch movies that make you feel happy.

Minimize the time you listen to the news and read the papers.

Associate yourself with people who think positively.

Always sit and walk with your back straight. This will strengthen your confidence and inner strength.

Walk, swim or engage in some other physical activity. This helps to develop a more positive attitude.

Think positive and expect only favorable results and situations, even if your current circumstances are not as you wish them to be. In time, your mental attitude will affect your life and circumstances and change them accordingly.

When you expect success and say "I can", you fill yourself with confidence and joy.

Fill your mind with light, hope and feelings of strength, and soon your life will reflect these qualities.

Power of Positive Thinking

Positive thinking is a mental attitude that admits into the mind thoughts, words and images that are conductive to growth, expansion and success. It is a mental attitude that expects good and favorable results. A positive mind anticipates happiness, joy, health and a successful outcome of every situation and action. Whatever the mind expects, it finds.
Not everyone accepts or believes in positive thinking. Some consider the subject as just nonsense, and others scoff at people who believe and accept it. Among the people who accept it, not many know how to use it effectively to get results. Yet, it seems that many are becoming attracted to this subject, as evidenced by the many books, lectures and courses about it. This is a subject that is gaining popularity.
It is quite common to hear people say: "Think positive!", to someone who feels down and worried. Most people do not take these words seriously, as they do not know what they really mean, or do not consider them as useful and effective. How many people do you know, who stop to think what the power of positive thinking means?

The following story illustrates how this power works:
Upin applied for a new job, but as his self-esteem was low, and he considered himself as a failure and unworthy of success, he was sure that he was not going to get the job. He had a negative attitude towards himself, and believed that the other applicants were better and more qualified than him. Allan manifested this attitude, due to his negative past experiences with job interviews.

His mind was filled with negative thoughts and fears concerning the job for the whole week before the job interview. He was sure he would be rejected. On the day of the interview he got up late, and to his horror he discovered that the shirt he had planned to wear was dirty, and the other one needed ironing. As it was already too late, he went out wearing a shirt full of wrinkles.

During the interview he was tense, displayed a negative attitude, worried about his shirt, and felt hungry because he did not have enough time to eat breakfast. All this distracted his mind and made it difficult for him to focus on the interview. His overall behavior made a bad impression, and consequently he materialized his fear and did not get the job.

Ipin applied for the same job too, but approached the matter in a different way. He was sure that he was going to get the job. During the week preceding the interview he often visualized himself making a good impression and getting the job.

In the evening before the interview he prepared the clothes he was going to wear, and went to sleep a little earlier. On day of the interview he woke up earlier than usual, and had ample time to eat breakfast, and then to arrive to the interview before the scheduled time.

He got the job because he made a good impression. He had also of course, the proper qualifications for the job, but so had Allan.

What do we learn from these two stories? Is there any magic employed here? No, it is all natural. When the attitude is positive we entertain pleasant feelings and constructive images, and see in our mind's eye what we really want to happen. This brings brightness to the eyes, more energy and happiness. The whole being broadcasts good will, happiness and success. Even the health is affected in a beneficial way. We walk tall and the voice is more powerful. Our body language shows the way you feel inside.

Positive and negative thinking are both contagious.
All of us affect, in one way or another, the people we meet. This happens instinctively and on a subconscious level, through thoughts and feelings transference, and through body language. People sense our aura and are affected by our thoughts, and vice versa. Is it any wonder that we want to be around positive people and avoid negative ones? People are more disposed to help us if we are positive, and they dislike and avoid anyone broadcasting negativity.

Negative thoughts, words and attitude bring up negative and unhappy moods and actions. When the mind is negative, poisons are released into the blood, which cause more unhappiness and negativity. This is the way to failure, frustration and disappointment.

Practical Instructions

In order to turn the mind toward the positive, inner work and training are required. Attitude and thoughts do not change overnight.
Read about this subject, think about its benefits and persuade yourself to try it. The power of thoughts is a mighty power that is always shaping our life. This shaping is usually done subconsciously, but it is possible to make the process a conscious one. Even if the idea seems strange give it a try, as you have nothing to lose, but only to gain. Ignore what others might say or think about you, if they discover that you are changing the way you think.
Always visualize only favorable and beneficial situations. Use positive words in your inner dialogues or when talking with others. Smile a little more, as this helps to think positively. Disregard any feelings of laziness or a desire to quit. If you persevere, you will transform the way your mind thinks.
Once a negative thought enters your mind, you have to be aware of it and endeavor to replace it with a constructive one. The negative thought will try again to enter your mind, and then you have to replace it again with a positive one. It is as if there are two pictures in front of you, and you choose to look at one of them and disregard the other. Persistence will eventually teach your mind to think positively and ignore negative thoughts.
In case you feel any inner resistance when replacing negative thoughts with positive ones, do not give up, but keep looking only at the beneficial, good and happy thoughts in your mind.
It does not matter what your circumstances are at the present moment. Think positively, expect only favorable results and situations, and circumstances will change accordingly. It may take some time for the changes to take place, but eventually they do.

Selasa, 14 Juni 2011

Let's Pray

QS. Al-Ankabut [29] : 45

"Bacalah apa yang telah diwahyukan kepadamu, yaitu Al-Kitab (Al-Quran) dan dirikanlah shalat. Sesungguhnya shalat itu mencegah dari (perbuatan-perbuatan) keji dan mungkar. Dan sesungguhnya mengingat Allah (sholat) adalah lebih besar (keutamaanya dari ibadah-ibadah yang lain). Dan Allah mengetahui apa yang kamu kerjakan"

     Segala puji hanyalah milik Allah atas seluruh rahmat, nikmat dan karuniaNya. Siapapun yang diberi petunjuk Allah, tak seorangpun mampu menyesatkannya, begitu pula siapapun yang Allah tutup pintu hidayah-Nya, sesungguhnya tak seorangpun mampu memberinya petunjuk.
     Kami berlindung kepada Allah dari ilmu yang tidak bermanfaat, bathin yang keras, doa yang tidak didengar dan amalan yang tidak diterima. Kami berlindung pula dari segala keburukan dan kejelekan amal dan jiwa kami. Sesungguhnya shalatku, ibadahku, hidup dan matiku hanyalah untuk Allah Rabb semesta alam.

    Shalawat dan salam senantiasa tercurah kepada junjungan kita Nabi besar Muhammad, keluarga, sahabat-sahabatnya para tabi'in, tabi'ut tabi'in serta orang-orang yang senantiasa mengikuti jejak dan langkahnya hingga hari kiamat.

     Betapa banyak diantara kita yang enggan melaksanakan perintah Allah, baik karena malas atau karena hawa nafsunya. Banyak pula diantara kita yang berat melaksanakan ibadah kepada Allah, bukan karena malas, namun lebih melihat perintah Allah hanyalah beban yang senantiasa menghantui hidupnya.

     Inilah sebenarnya tabi'at kita. Yang senantiasa merasa kurang, keluh kesah, kikir, cepat lalai, senang dengan kemewahan, suka hura-hura, enggan dan berat melaksanakan perintah-Nya.
Allah melukiskan sifat kita ini dengan firman-Nya ;

Al Ma'arij [70] : 23

"Sesungguhnya manusia diciptakan berkeluh kesah lagi kikir. Apabila ia ditimpa kesusahan ia berkeluh kesah, dan apabila ia mendapat kebaikan ia amat kikir, kecuali orang-orang yang menegerjakan sholat, yang mereka itu tetap mengerjakan sholatnya.

     Dari sifat kita dengan kecenderungan yang buruk ini, Allah menjadikan shalat sebagai penghubung langsung dengan-Nya. Keluh kesah hanyalah kepada-Nya. Begitu pula mengadu, memohon, meminta dan bahkan berbagi suka dan duka, susah dan gembira.

Semoga bermanfaat ...... sholat yuk.!!!!

5 Things why People are Reluctant to Listen

Hubungan kerja yang tak hangat boleh jadi dipengaruhi arogansi untuk tidak saling mendengarkan. Komunikasi yang dibangun dalam lingkungan kerja bukan berlandaskan kesantunan, namun lebih kepada komunikasi preman bermakna bossy. Jika posisi Anda di kantor adalah atasan, cobalah untuk lebih mendengarkan bawahan, bukan mendominasi pembicaraan. Sayangnya, tak sedikit karyawan, apapun posisinya, yang cenderung enggan mendengarkan ucapan lawan bicara secara tuntas.

Wahyu Wibowo, penulis dan pelatih komunikasi adab, kultur perusahaan, dan media massa, menyebutkan sejumlah sebab mengapa orang enggan menjadi pendengar yang baik.

1. Tak konsentrasi
Seseorang yang gemar mengobral kata atau cerita di luar topik pembicaraan cenderung memiliki kelemahan dalam berkonsentrasi pada fokus atau topik pembicaraan tertentu. Kelemahan ini secara psikologis dipicu oleh arogansi jabatan, sok pamer pengetahuan, atau tidak ingin terlihat bodoh di depan orang lain. Sikap seperti inilah yang membuat orang lain enggan, malas, bosan, bahkan jijik mendengar ucapan kita.

2. Terlalu percaya diri
Kepercayaan diri yang terlalu tinggi membuat seseorang cenderung terlalu sering memotong, mengomentari, atau mengkritik lawan bicara. Sejumlah wakil rakyat di DPR bisa menjadi contoh nyata sikap ini. Mereka seringkali melakukan interupsi yang berkesan tak nyambung dengan pokok persoalan, bahkan menjadikannya ajang pamer diri. Kalau sudah seperti ini, orang tersebut cenderung hanya bicara tanpa mau mendengar orang lain.

3. Sibuk
Kesibukan kadangkala membuat kehadiran seseorang sebagai gangguan. Akhirnya, saat terlibat dalam pembicaraan, orang yang sibuk ini hanya mengambil kata kunci dari lawan bicara dengan mendengarkan seadanya. Akhirnya informasi menjadi bias dan tak seimbang, karena perhatian tak sepenuhnya tercurah pada lawan bicara.

4. Tak cukup data
Sering kali pula, akibat ketidaklengkapan data, kita merasa tidak yakin dengan apa yang kita katakan. Akibatnya komunikasi yang kita bangun menjadi ingar alias tidak nyambung. Hal ini diakibatkan lawan bicara kita sama sekali tidak berpeluang untuk bertanya, apalagi membuat catatan dan mengevaluasinya. Kalau sudah seperti ini, jangan harap kata-kata yang Anda umbar memiliki nilai informatif bagi lawan bicara.

5. Pengaruh suasana hati
Lawan bicara bisa saja enggan mendengarkan ucapan Anda karena ia sedang stres, atau suasana hati tak senang. Ketidaksukaan lawan bicara bisa dilihat dari bahasa tubuhnya seperti memainkan jari berulang, mimik wajah yang kusut, atau pandangan mata yang mengarah ke sana ke mari. (Buku Membangun Kultur Perusahaan Melalui Kesadaran Komunikasi Adab, Wahyu Wibowo - Gramedia Pustaka Utama)


Senin, 13 Juni 2011

99 Nama Allah SWT Asmaul Husna

Di dalam kitab suci Al-Qur'an Allah SWT disebut juga dengan nama-nama sebutan yang berjumlah 99 nama yang masing-masing memiliki arti definisi / pengertian yang bersifat baik, agung dan bagus. Secara ringkas dan sederhana Asmaul Husna adalah sembilanpuluhsembilan nama baik Allah SWT.
Firman Allah SWT dalam surat Al-Araf ayat 180 :
"Allah mempunyai asmaul husna, maka bermohonlah kepadaNya dengan menyebut asmaul husna itu dan tinggalkanlah orang-orang yang menyimpang dari kebenaran dalam (menyebut) nama-namaNya. Nanti mereka akan mendapat balasan terhadap apa yang telah mereka kerjakan".

Berikut ini adalah 99 nama Allah SWT beserta artinya :

1. Ar-Rahman (Ar Rahman) Artinya Yang Maha Pemurah
2. Ar-Rahim (Ar Rahim) Artinya Yang Maha Mengasihi
3. Al-Malik (Al Malik) Artinya Yang Maha Menguasai / Maharaja Teragung
4. Al-Quddus (Al Quddus) Artinya Yang Maha Suci
5. Al-Salam (Al Salam) Artinya Yang Maha Selamat Sejahtera
6. Al-Mu'min (Al Mukmin) Artinya Yang Maha Melimpahkan Keamanan
7. Al-Muhaimin (Al Muhaimin) Artinya Yang Maha Pengawal serta Pengawas
8. Al-Aziz (Al Aziz) Artinya Yang Maha Berkuasa
9. Al-Jabbar (Al Jabbar) Artinya Yang Maha Kuat Yang Menundukkan Segalanya
10. Al-Mutakabbir (Al Mutakabbir) Artinya Yang Melengkapi Segala kebesaranNya
11. Al-Khaliq (Al Khaliq) Artinya Yang Maha Pencipta
12. Al-Bari (Al Bari) Artinya Yang Maha Menjadikan
13. Al-Musawwir (Al Musawwir) Artinya Yang Maha Pembentuk
14. Al-Ghaffar (Al Ghaffar) Artinya Yang Maha Pengampun
15. Al-Qahhar (Al Qahhar) Artinya Yang Maha Perkasa
16. Al-Wahhab (Al Wahhab) Artinya Yang Maha Penganugerah
17. Al-Razzaq (Al Razzaq) Artinya Yang Maha Pemberi Rezeki
18. Al-Fattah (Al Fattah) Artinya Yang Maha Pembuka
19. Al-'Alim (Al Alim) Artinya Yang Maha Mengetahui
20. Al-Qabidh (Al Qabidh) Artinya Yang Maha Pengekang
21. Al-Basit (Al Basit) Artinya Yang Maha Melimpah Nikmat
22. Al-Khafidh (Al Khafidh) Artinya Yang Maha Perendah / Pengurang
23. Ar-Rafi' (Ar Rafik) Artinya Yang Maha Peninggi
24. Al-Mu'izz (Al Mu'izz) Artinya Yang Maha Menghormati / Memuliakan
25. Al-Muzill (Al Muzill) Artinya Yang Maha Menghina
26. As-Sami' (As Sami) Artinya Yang Maha Mendengar
27. Al-Basir (Al Basir) Artinya Yang Maha Melihat
28. Al-Hakam (Al Hakam) Artinya Yang Maha Mengadili
29. Al-'Adl (Al Adil) Artinya Yang Maha Adil
30. Al-Latif (Al Latif) Artinya Yang Maha Lembut serta Halus
31. Al-Khabir (Al Khabir) Artinya Yang Maha Mengetahui
32. Al-Halim (Al Halim) Artinya Yang Maha Penyabar
33. Al-'Azim (Al Azim) Artinya Yang Maha Agung
34. Al-Ghafur (Al Ghafur) Artinya Yang Maha Pengampun
35. Asy-Syakur (Asy Syakur) Artinya Yang Maha Bersyukur
36. Al-'Aliy (Al Ali) Artinya Yang Maha Tinggi serta Mulia
37. Al-Kabir (Al Kabir) Artinya Yang Maha Besar
38. Al-Hafiz (Al Hafiz) Artinya Yang Maha Memelihara
39. Al-Muqit (Al Muqit) Artinya Yang Maha Menjaga
40. Al-Hasib (Al Hasib) Artinya Yang Maha Penghitung
41. Al-Jalil (Al Jalil) Artinya Yang Maha Besar serta Mulia
42. Al-Karim (Al Karim) Artinya Yang Maha Pemurah
43. Ar-Raqib (Ar Raqib) Artinya Yang Maha Waspada
44. Al-Mujib (Al Mujib) Artinya Yang Maha Pengkabul
45. Al-Wasi' (Al Wasik) Artinya Yang Maha Luas
46. Al-Hakim (Al Hakim) Artinya Yang Maha Bijaksana
47. Al-Wadud (Al Wadud) Artinya Yang Maha Penyayang
48. Al-Majid (Al Majid) Artinya Yang Maha Mulia
49. Al-Ba'ith (Al Baith) Artinya Yang Maha Membangkitkan Semula
50. Asy-Syahid (Asy Syahid) Artinya Yang Maha Menyaksikan
51. Al-Haqq (Al Haqq) Artinya Yang Maha Benar
52. Al-Wakil (Al Wakil) Artinya Yang Maha Pentadbir
53. Al-Qawiy (Al Qawiy) Artinya Yang Maha Kuat
54. Al-Matin (Al Matin) Artinya Yang Maha Teguh
55. Al-Waliy (Al Waliy) Artinya Yang Maha Melindungi
56. Al-Hamid (Al Hamid) Artinya Yang Maha Terpuji
57. Al-Muhsi (Al Muhsi) Artinya Yang Maha Penghitung
58. Al-Mubdi (Al Mubdi) Artinya Yang Maha Pencipta dari Asal
59. Al-Mu'id (Al Muid) Artinya Yang Maha Mengembali dan Memulihkan
60. Al-Muhyi (Al Muhyi) Artinya Yang Maha Menghidupkan
61. Al-Mumit (Al Mumit) Artinya Yang Mematikan
62. Al-Hayy (Al Hayy) Artinya Yang Senantiasa Hidup
63. Al-Qayyum (Al Qayyum) Artinya Yang Hidup serta Berdiri Sendiri
64. Al-Wajid (Al Wajid) Artinya Yang Maha Penemu
65. Al-Majid (Al Majid) Artinya Yang Maha Mulia
66. Al-Wahid (Al Wahid) Artinya Yang Maha Esa
67. Al-Ahad (Al Ahad) Artinya Yang Tunggal
68. As-Samad (As Samad) Artinya Yang Menjadi Tumpuan
69. Al-Qadir (Al Qadir) Artinya Yang Maha Berupaya
70. Al-Muqtadir (Al Muqtadir) Artinya Yang Maha Berkuasa
71. Al-Muqaddim (Al Muqaddim) Artinya Yang Maha Menyegera
72. Al-Mu'akhkhir (Al Muakhir) Artinya Yang Maha Penangguh
73. Al-Awwal (Al Awwal) Artinya Yang Pertama
74. Al-Akhir (Al Akhir) Artinya Yang Akhir
75. Az-Zahir (Az Zahir) Artinya Yang Zahir
76. Al-Batin (Al Batin) Artinya Yang Batin
77. Al-Wali (Al Wali) Artinya Yang Wali / Yang Memerintah
78. Al-Muta'ali (Al Muta Ali) Artinya Yang Maha Tinggi serta Mulia
79. Al-Barr (Al Barr) Artinya Yang banyak membuat kebajikan
80. At-Tawwab (At Tawwab) Artinya Yang Menerima Taubat
81. Al-Muntaqim (Al Muntaqim) Artinya Yang Menghukum Yang Bersalah
82. Al-'Afuw (Al Afuw) Artinya Yang Maha Pengampun
83. Ar-Ra'uf (Ar Rauf) Artinya Yang Maha Pengasih serta Penyayang
84. Malik-ul-Mulk (Malikul Mulk) Artinya Pemilik Kedaulatan Yang Kekal
85. Dzul-Jalal-Wal-Ikram (Dzul Jalal Wal Ikram) Artinya Yang Mempunyai Kebesaran dan Kemuliaan
86. Al-Muqsit (Al Muqsit) Artinya Yang Maha Saksama
87. Al-Jami' (Al Jami) Artinya Yang Maha Pengumpul
88. Al-Ghaniy (Al Ghaniy) Artinya Yang Maha Kaya Dan Lengkap
89. Al-Mughni (Al Mughni) Artinya Yang Maha Mengkayakan dan Memakmurkan
90. Al-Mani' (Al Mani) Artinya Yang Maha Pencegah
91. Al-Darr (Al Darr) Artinya Yang Mendatangkan Mudharat
92. Al-Nafi' (Al Nafi) Artinya Yang Memberi Manfaat
93. Al-Nur (Al Nur) Artinya Cahaya
94. Al-Hadi (Al Hadi) Artinya Yang Memimpin dan Memberi Pertunjuk
95. Al-Badi' (Al Badi) Artinya Yang Maha Pencipta Yang Tiada BandinganNya
96. Al-Baqi (Al Baqi) Artinya Yang Maha Kekal
97. Al-Warith (Al Warith) Artinya Yang Maha Mewarisi
98. Ar-Rasyid (Ar Rasyid) Artinya Yang Memimpin Kepada Kebenaran
99. As-Sabur (As Sabur) Artinya Yang Maha Penyabar / Sabar